AP Human Geography Book 3: Economic Development & Urban Land Use
The AP Human Geography Grey Module, “Economic Development & Urban Land Use,” is a key component of the AP Human Geography curriculum. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between economic development and urban land use in diverse geographic contexts.
This module explores intricate economic processes, including industrialization and globalization, and their impact on urban growth and structure. It focuses on key concepts shaping urban landscapes, aiming to reveal the dynamic interplay between economic disparities and the evolving nature of urban areas.
The module emphasizes examining economic development indicators and strategies. Students delve into factors influencing regional development, such as income levels, resource access, and international trade. This exploration is crucial for understanding observed disparities in economic development within urban settings.
Urban land use patterns are a significant focus, with students studying how cities adapt to economic changes. Topics like zoning, gentrification, and central business district dynamics provide insights into how economic forces influence the spatial organization of urban areas.
Real-world case studies and examples are seamlessly integrated, allowing students to apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios. These studies offer invaluable insights into the diverse ways economic development shapes urban land use, from the expansion of megacities to the revitalization of post-industrial urban centers.
Assessment is robust, including essays, projects, and exams challenging students to analyze economic development and urban land use patterns in different regions. This multifaceted approach ensures a thorough evaluation of students’ mastery of the material and their ability to apply geographical concepts.
Course Features
- Lectures 8
- Quizzes 5
- Duration 52 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 187
- Assessments Yes
- 2 Sections
- 8 Lessons
- 52 Weeks
- Industrialization and Economic Development8
- 2.1Growth and Diffusion of Industrialization
- 2.2Growth and Diffusion of Industrialization20 Minutes10 Questions
- 2.3Industrialization and Development
- 2.4Industrialization and Development20 Minutes20 Questions
- 2.5Economic Activities & Theories
- 2.6Economic Activities & Theories25 Minutes15 Questions
- 2.7Location of Industrial Development Theories
- 2.8Location of Industrial Development Theories30 Minutes25 Questions
- Cities and Urban Land Use5