1.1 Human Origins in Africa
- Prehistory: it is the time before the invention of writing which was roughly invented 3500 B.C (Before Christ).
- Archaeologists: scientists who work as detectives to uncover the story of prehistoric people.
- Artifacts: human-made objects, such as tools and jewelry.
- Anthropologists: scientists who study people`s unique way of life.
- Paleontologists: scientists who study fossils (evidence of early life preserved in rocks).
- The archaeologist Mary Leaky found prehistoric footprints in Tanzania, and became called Hominids.
- Hominids: Humans and other creatures that walked upright.
- The oldest hominid to be found to that date was Lucy.
Types of Hominids:
Southern Ape: (4-5 million)
- His brain was 1/3 size of our brain.
Homo Habilis (Man of Skills): (2.4 million).the brain was 1/2 size the modern humans.
- They were discovered at Olduvai (Tanzania)
- They used tools.
Homo Erectus: (2 million-1.5 million)
- They used more sophisticated tools.
- Learned to use fire.
- They were the first to migrate out of Africa.
- They were the first to develop a spoken language, and to name objects.
Homo Sapiens (Wise man): (200.000 years old)
- Scientists classified Homo Sapiens to two groups: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons.
- Neanderthals were called after the name of the Neander Valley (Germany).
- Neanderthals developed religious beliefs and rituals, they believed in afterlife.
- Cro-magnons migrated from Africa to Europe and Asia.
- Learned to create fire.
- Same species of modern humans.
- They used language.
Characteristics of Prehistory
Scientists divide prehistory in to two eras:
- Paleolithic Age: Old Stone Age that lasted from about 2.5 million to 8000 B.C, in which basic stone tools where used.
- Neolithic Age: New Stone Age that lasted from 8000 B.C to 3000 B.C, people who lived in this era learned to polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animals.
- The “Out of Africa” theory: A theory that argues that Homo Sapiens arose in Africa and migrated to other parts of the world to replace other hominid species including Homo Erectus.
- According to the theory “Out of Africa” The modern human, Homo sapiens, or Cro-Magnon man, displaced older humans such as Neanderthal man.
Main Characteristics of Early people during the Paleolithic Era:
- They survived by hunting and gathering plants, and they were called Nomads or foragers (people or animals who search widely for food).
- Nomads used fire.
- They used simple language.
- They used stone tools.
- The religion was called Animism: To believe that everything in the world has spirit.
- Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (People who lived in the Old Stone Age).
Main Characteristics of Early people during the Neolithic Era:
- People started to domesticate animals and plants.
- Domestication: to raise animals selectively.
- The first domesticated animal in the history was the dog.
- They used irrigation system: A network canals or ditches that link lands with water resources.
- The major event of the Neolithic era was the Neolithic Revolution.
- The Neolithic Revolution: It is the transition of humans from survival by hunting to settle by farming.
- The Neolithic Revolution did not occur globally, meaning that people did not start planting crops all over the world at the exact same time.
- Technological developments increased food production which led to an increase in population growth.
- Because more food was available, people lived longer and had more children.
- The increase of agricultural productivity fostered the specialization of labor, such as craftspeople, warriors, religious leaders, and government officials.
- The specialization of labor encouraged the development of trade, which contributed to the rise of towns.
- Two of earliest towns were Jericho (Palestine) and Catal Huyuk (Turkey).
- People during the Neolithic Period worshiped the goddess of vegetation.
The Art of the Stone Age.
- Paleolithic Art:
Paleolithic Art: Cave paintings around the world such as:
Cuevas de las Manos (Argentine).
Tassili n`Ajer (Algeria).
Australian Aboriginal Cave Painting (Australia).
Lascaux Cave Painting (France).
- Neolithic Art:
Neolithic Art: The Neolithic Art was characterized by shaping, such as potteries or monuments.
Enthroned Goddess of Catal Huyuk (Turkey).
The Thinker of Cernavoda (Romania).