The Reinstatement of SAT-ACT Exams for admission Article by Eight Hundred

The Reinstatement of SAT-ACT Exams for admission Article by Eight Hundred

The Reinstatement of SAT-ACT Exams for Admission: An Analysis by Eight Hundred

In recent years, the landscape of college admissions has been undergoing significant changes. Amidst debates and shifts towards test-optional policies, many institutions are now reconsidering the importance of standardized testing. The latest article by Eight Hundred, titled “The Reinstatement of SAT-ACT Exams for Admission,” provides a comprehensive examination of this evolving trend.

A Return to Standardization

For a significant period, many colleges and universities moved towards test-optional policies, especially accelerated by the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift was seen as a move towards a more holistic approach to admissions, focusing on the overall achievements and potential of a student rather than their performance in a single test. However, recent trends indicate a reversal, with many institutions reinstating the SAT and ACT as crucial components of their admissions process.

Why the Change?

The article by Eight Hundred meticulously outlines several reasons for this reinstatement:

  1. Consistency and Comparison: Standardized tests provide a uniform measure to compare students from diverse educational backgrounds. With grade inflation and varied grading standards across schools, SAT and ACT scores offer a consistent metric.
  2. Predictive Value: Despite criticisms, standardized test scores have been shown to be reliable predictors of college success. Colleges find these scores useful in assessing a student’s readiness for rigorous academic work.
  3. Access to Scholarships: Many scholarship programs are tied to SAT and ACT scores. By reinstating these tests, institutions can ensure students have the opportunity to qualify for financial aid based on their performance.
  4. International Applicants: For international students, SAT and ACT scores offer a standardized measure that can be understood and assessed by admission committees, making it easier to evaluate applicants from different education systems.

The Impact on Students

The reinstatement of SAT and ACT exams has significant implications for prospective students. On one hand, it provides clarity and a tangible goal for students to aim for. On the other hand, it may reintroduce stress and pressure associated with high-stakes testing. Eight Hundred highlights the need for balanced preparation, combining test readiness with overall academic and extracurricular development.

Average SAT and ACT Scores for Top Universities

To give a clearer picture of what students might aim for, here are the average SAT and ACT scores for some of the top universities in the U.S.:

University Average SAT Score Average ACT Score
Harvard University 1480-1580 33-35
Stanford University 1440-1570 32-35
MIT 1500-1570 34-36
University of Chicago 1500-1560 34-35
Princeton University 1460-1570 33-35
Yale University 1460-1570 33-35
Columbia University 1450-1560 33-35
California Institute of Technology 1530-1580 35-36
University of Pennsylvania 1440-1550 32-35
Duke University 1450-1570 33-35

Preparing for the Future

As colleges and universities reintegrate SAT and ACT scores into their admissions criteria, students and educators must adapt to this changing landscape. The article emphasizes the importance of:

  • Early Preparation: Starting test preparation early to reduce last-minute stress.
  • Holistic Development: Focusing on overall growth, including extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service.
  • Utilizing Resources: Leveraging available resources such as tutoring, online courses, and practice tests to enhance performance.


The reinstatement of SAT and ACT exams marks a significant shift in college admissions. Eight Hundred’s article provides a nuanced understanding of this change, examining both the rationale behind it and its implications for students. As the education system continues to evolve, staying informed and prepared is essential for navigating these changes successfully.

For a deeper dive into this topic, be sure to read the full article by Eight Hundred. It’s an invaluable resource for students, parents, and educators alike, offering insights and strategies to adapt to the reinstatement of standardized testing in college admissions.

Stay informed. Stay ahead. With Eight Hundred.